Saturday, 24 December 2011

How S.T.U.P.I.D I was!!!

I do feel the need to change the title from 'I was' to 'I am' but I'll let it be what it is because it was the first thing that came to my mind.Taking the spotlight from the full title to just S.T.U.P.I.D,I want to mention that the title is an equivocal one from my side (only if you know the full form of  STUPID). LOL :-)
The Lenovo advertisement says that the 'doers' have a creed of there own but I found out today,while reading a blog,that the 'dreamers' too have a creed of there own and I fall in the dreamer category.No No! I don't wish to start discrimination on the basis of  the above mentioned categories, as there are already many basis to do the discrimination.Let me leave that aside as I don't intend to ponder about any serious stuff at the moment.So,where was I? Yup! my being a dreamer.The blog pushed me through a tunnel of time where I saw myself deciding to big things but never succeeding.One of my dreams which made me eligible for the title of  STUPID was  of  owing an airport :-D Yeah! you heard that right. Owing an airport.I not only dreamed about it but tried to live the dream too.I would get to the terrace of my house,which is the third floor of the building and high enough to give me a view of the city.Then I would try to imitate a rich businessman by standing in a way in which rich businessmen stand,which I had learned from the book of body language that I have,and I would imagine those huge Boeing planes taking off and landing in front of my eyes :-) It was nice that way but only until the day when my enlightened friend put some light on the fact that airports are owned only by government.
From that day onwards I went to the terrace with my Boeing Planes parked permanently in the hanger. :-D
I am a little less stupid now because I have developed the ability so say "I don't know" when I have no clue about something and go ahead to ask for help.

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